Donate to Support Change in the Divorce Experience

Your Contribution Powers Positive Transformation Against Domestic Abuse.

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Note: All donations are 100% Tax Deductible. Our EIN is 93-4812516.

Why Donate?

  • Impactful Change:

    Impactful Change

    Your donation enables us to influence and create change among legal professionals, judges, family and criminal court systems, and legislation, ultimately improving outcomes for those experiencing divorce.

  • Operational Support:

    Operational Support

    Your financial support allows us to sustain and enhance coalition operations, education initiatives, administrative tasks, and technology infrastructure, ensuring our efforts are effective and far-reaching.

  • Targeted Efforts:

    Targeted Efforts

    With your donation, we can execute targeted campaigns and programs aimed at raising awareness, providing resources, and advocating for policy changes that prioritize the well-being of survivors of domestic abuse.

How Your Donation Helps

  • Provides essential resources and support services to individuals experiencing divorce, including legal guidance, counseling, and access to safe housing.

  • Enables us to conduct educational workshops and training sessions for legal professionals, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to handle divorce cases effectively.

  • Supports advocacy efforts to promote legislative changes that protect survivors of domestic abuse and ensure their rights are upheld throughout the divorce process.

  • Facilitates the development and distribution of informational materials, guides, and online resources to empower individuals navigating divorce.